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89% of retail marketers believe AI helps save time in campaigns

Vyom Chaud
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The Artificial Intelligence craze in recent years has permeated almost all kinds of businesses, and it has compelled them to think about how to best integrate AI into their operations. The same is true for the marketing industry, where Artificial Intelligence is helping marketers on multiple fronts. According to the numbers presented by NoKyc.com, 89% of retail marketers admit that with the help of AI, they are able to save considerable amounts of time while launching campaigns.

AI also increases customer engagement and loyalty

Source: Statista

In the last few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the landscape of the marketing industry. Retail marketers are using AI in multiple aspects of their work, such as improving their efficiency, customer engagement, etc.

A recent survey conducted in the first half of 2024, the results of which are available on Statista, asked retail marketers based in Germany, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States about their opinions on the impact of AI on their jobs.

The overwhelming majority of marketers believe that AI has helped them become more efficient in running campaigns. 89% of the surveyed claimed that with the use of Artificial Intelligence, they are able to save an hour or more on a campaign launch.  The surveyed marketers were also asked whether they want to invest more in AI, and 71% of them are willing to invest more in AI in 2024 to increase their customer engagement.

70% of the marketers surveyed further admitted that AI has helped them unlock new and unforeseen insights from their customer data. Furthermore, AI has also helped businesses with customer loyalty. 69% of surveyed marketers said they have managed to increase customer loyalty with the aid of Artificial Intelligence in campaigns.

When asked about the impact of AI on customer engagement, 68% of those who were surveyed said that they had noticed an increase in the engagement rate.

Vyom Chaud
Vyom Chaud

Vyom Chaud left his IT job to follow his love for soccer. He has been writing about the beautiful game for the last 6 years contributing articles to The Daily Mail, Vocal, Fan Sided and many other publications. He can spin stories with numbers and thinks data is beautiful. An avid Arsenal fan, he spends most of his time dissecting the nuances of the game. He has played football, cricket and badminton at an amateur level.